Posts Tagged ‘No Agenda Podcast’

Well… I guess the break is over

Monday, November 2nd, 2020

I can’t believe my most recent post is from back in June. I have been beaten down by the pandemic crap. I have finally found a couple of outlets that have returned to life before the ‘Rona here in Dallas. Visiting one of them is glorious.

I remain unemployed, but that may change soon too. Making a little money might improve my mood too.

Links on testing for the Wu Flu tomorrow. Lots of them will be from the No Agenda show.

Day 91 of The Great Pandemic of 2020

Saturday, June 13th, 2020

This post is late. This happens when you work around the house all day and then have a couple of drinks with a lateish dinner.

The election season is going to be interesting.

I think it will be Trump by a wide margin. Unless the Dems find a replacement for Biden. I would like to point you to this previous post of mine: Biden on His Aneurysm. If that Joe Biden were in the race, Trump might be in trouble. But that video is 7 years old and that Biden doesn’t exist anymore. I think it is horrible that the Dems are running Bernie (and no… not Bernie Sanders) for President.

Also was pointed at this article about nursing home death data by the No Agenda Podcast. Another point in the series of points we have all come across where the data is wrong. Nobody knows anything.

Had my drinks at Milo’s. No body there seems very concerned about the virus. Where we had dinner Thursday night there were way too many people that were overly concerned about the virus. The difference in atmosphere between the two places is stark.