Posts Tagged ‘Wu Flu’

Back from my trip

Friday, June 26th, 2020

I come back to this: Governor Abbott Orders Bars to Close.

I will actively campaign for Abbott’s next opponent. This is ridiculous.

We have the worst political class ever. I know that the way the media report the news is in order to drive fear and hysteria, but the governor should be above this. It’s a virus. Some people get sick. Don’t shift the liability! Let the virus spread. Let herd immunity happen. Protect the vulnerable. Shutting down commerce is no way to control a public health problem. The wealth created by economic activity is what will allow all of us to deal with the Wuhan Virus.

The Next Couple of Weeks

Sunday, June 14th, 2020

Posting will be light. I’m going out on the road and will have limited access to the internet.

So… maybe I should start a new count?

Day 93 of the Kung Flu Lockdown

Sunday, June 14th, 2020

I didn’t number yesterday’s post about the chink flu pandemic. My apologies.

Today’s post is about the religion of social justice.

Please read this post.

There is a video too.

Day 91 of The Great Pandemic of 2020

Saturday, June 13th, 2020

This post is late. This happens when you work around the house all day and then have a couple of drinks with a lateish dinner.

The election season is going to be interesting.

I think it will be Trump by a wide margin. Unless the Dems find a replacement for Biden. I would like to point you to this previous post of mine: Biden on His Aneurysm. If that Joe Biden were in the race, Trump might be in trouble. But that video is 7 years old and that Biden doesn’t exist anymore. I think it is horrible that the Dems are running Bernie (and no… not Bernie Sanders) for President.

Also was pointed at this article about nursing home death data by the No Agenda Podcast. Another point in the series of points we have all come across where the data is wrong. Nobody knows anything.

Had my drinks at Milo’s. No body there seems very concerned about the virus. Where we had dinner Thursday night there were way too many people that were overly concerned about the virus. The difference in atmosphere between the two places is stark.

Day 90 of the Wu Flu Hysteria

Thursday, June 11th, 2020

We went out for dinner. While the food was good, the place wasn’t even pretending that they want to be open beyond their obligation for not paying back their PPP loan.

Things are going to be effed up for a while.

Day 89 of Mass Hysteria on Two Fronts Now

Wednesday, June 10th, 2020

Yes… we are living through two mass hysteria events at this time.

I really can’t stand the media in all of its forms and coalitions. Someone says something stupid on the left and the usual suspects on the right will come out and challenge that statement with more stupidity. Witness the controversy of the National Anthem at sportsball events.

Hot Air, while jumping in predictably on the side of current tradition and serving as the foil for the dipshit at Touchdown Wire (all part of the business model for both outlets), does get this half right. The knucklehead quoted over there talks about the need to stop playing the anthem at games because TIMES HAVE CHANGED!!!!!. What crap. The part Hot Air gets correct is that the players themselves now like the Anthem before the game as it gives them a stage upon which to signal their virtue.

But what Hot Air gets wrong is that playing the Anthem before a stupid sportsball game trivializes the Anthem. Those games, while entertaining, are unimportant. I have long held this position. I’m a veteran. I’m also the guy that started the STARS! yell during the national anthem at Dallas Stars games back in their first season here in Dallas.

Save playing the anthem for important events. Like a veteran’s funeral. Or the inauguration of a President. Don’t play it every Friday night before a HS sportsball game.

I will also point out this quote from the Touchdown Wire post:

And a case that has seen four Minneapolis police officers charged in the alleged murder of George Floyd has sparked peaceful protests in pursuit of change that has brought together people young, old and of all races. A multicultural revolution.

My bold… It is as though people in the media think that if they repeat the phrase “peaceful protest” often enough that I will no longer believe what I’m seeing with my own eyes. The disdain they have for their audience is amazing. Using the phrase “peaceful protest” in that post makes me think that everything else there is wrong too. Including all names and dates.

The 88th Day of Winnie the Flu Wrecking the Economy

Tuesday, June 9th, 2020

I’m ignoring the riots on purpose.

I have nothing to add.

It was a rough day around the White Rock Kitchens estate. I am just now, late in the evening starting to feel normal. The only work I got done today was fixing the planters on the new deck and also fixing one of my nail guns.

I also straightened up some in the fermentorium.

Tomorrow should be more productive and better.

The mask wearing continues to be ridiculous. People are sheep.

Day 87 of Fu Man Flu House Arrest

Monday, June 8th, 2020

Things are loosening up, but still weird. Restaurant workers are wearing masks. It is obvious that masks make things worse in restaurants and other customer service positions.

Some stuff about politics:

Here’s the lie in the media’s defense of their protest two-step

Experts Wrong

Politics and Modeling

We are living under the tyranny of experts that never ever suffer consequences for being wrong.

The 86th Day of House Arrest due to Kung Flu

Sunday, June 7th, 2020

The media where many of my friends and relatives get most of their information that they use to argue with me on this pandemic nonsense is arguably owned by the Chinese and the Pharmaceutical Industry. They will not publish or broadcast information unfavorable to the CCP or vaccines.

Fully 70% of television news revenue comes from Pharmaceutical companies in non-election years.

Disney owns ABC. Disney wants to sell movie tickets in China. They also want to have amusement parks in China. They will do what the CCP tells them to do in order to make those sales. This includes controlling what is on the nightly news broadcast.

The sames is true for Comcast and National Amusements.

Nothing the big media companies broadcast or print is correct or complete.

Look at how the NBA folded in the face of the CCP. Many NBA players clearly have no problem with slave labor as long as it’s over there.

We live in interesting times.

Day 85 of House Arrest due to the Kung Flu

Sunday, June 7th, 2020

Things are loosening up. We went out to dinner again. Met a sister-in-law and her husband, along with another couple, at Shady’s Burgers. We had desert at Andy’s.

A nice night. But, again, the staff wearing masks is an annoyance.

I got into it with one of the party about the masks making the health situation worse than no masks.

The restaurant staff (we were there for two hours) each wore the same mask the entire time. They are serving food. They are going in the kitchen (grease!) and bringing food out. They touch the masks. They are wearing gloves but I saw not one of them change gloves. It is all a joke.

(Heh… I got distracted again. Didn’t put the post up last night)

This whole pandemic lock down is one of the worst cases of the current living conditions in this country: We are living under the rule of a Nobility that suffers no consequences for being wrong.

The political and cultural leadership is increasingly hereditary and never suffers genuine consequences for being wrong.

And this is why it is tyranny: I can lose my job for saying the wrong thing about current events. Something that normally wouldn’t even be terribly controversial